Even So

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eat the candy

There is something precious about the delight children get out of candy. There is validity to recognizing what your body needs and making sure that you are getting your nutrients, but there is a difference between honoring God by caring for your body and clinging to an idol, or being trapped by lies of the devil.

There is so much about the battle with body image that brings my heart grief. As someone who has spent years battling lies regarding her body, I know the pain that comes with listening to lies.

On a holiday that is so heavily associated with candy, it can be impossible to avoid triggers.

There is so much to be said for the pain of body image battles, but before going into tonight I just want to remind you of truth.

  1. Your body was intentionally created. The shape of your body was not an accident. It was created exactly as it is for a purpose. Your body was made to glorify God.

  2. The way you look does not determine your worth. You can do nothing to change your worth, because your worth does not depend on you. Our worth is only because of who God is, not who we are.

  3. One day does not define you. If today is a day where you struggle, you don’t have to sink in that shame. You are not a failure even if in one thing you fail.

  4. You are allowed to eat that candy, that dessert, that item of extra calories. Food does not need to have power over you. This isn’t to minimize the struggle in seasons where it does, but the encouragement is that there is healing in learning that it is okay to eat something for fun.

  5. God created good things to bring Him glory. He gives us so many things to delight in. You can (& should) praise God for the food he gives.

I am keenly aware of the struggles with food and our bodies that my peers and I face, but over the years I have encountered so many women years older than me who are still trapped by lies. It is heartbreaking to hear the comments that slip out so casually but reveal so much about what a person believes.

I hope that tonight you experience the joy of freedom that can be found in eating food. And if tonight isn’t that for you, then I hope you experience the comfort of having the One who sees you, who knows you, and who loves you more than you could ever imagine.

Go eat the candy.