Even So

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warfare of busy

You don’t usually consider that spiritual warfare might come in the form of a mouse.

As many of my friends are aware, our apartment is currently being haunted by these furry little villains. This has led to several late nights of screaming and a very chaotic home. There are bins stacked around the kitchen and living room — items that have been dislodged from their homes in the closets to sit out on prominent display.

This has led to a lot of anxiety and distress trying to problem-solve the current situation. Needless to say, I have been aware of the problem that is the mice.

It wasn’t until today, however, that I was humbled by the realization that the mice have caused more of a problem than what is visually apparent.

In the midst of this, I have filled my time with so many things less important than spending time with Jesus.

It hasn’t just been the mice. No, there are many things I am trying to juggle. Good things. Things that God has entrusted me to be faithful in.

But things that I have been prioritizing over the one who has given them to me.

It is sometimes easier to recognize when we are facing spiritual warfare when it comes with the face of suffering than when it comes disguised as busyness.

I know that I fall into this too often in my life. I recognize the value of certain responsibilities and see the limit of time and choose to invest my energy in things I view as urgent instead of protecting time with God.

Time is a precious commodity, and it is fair to recognize the limited supply we are given. We do have a great responsibility to steward it well. But how much more critical does it then become to protect our time with the Creator?

We live to glorify the one who kept the widow’s oil from running out. He has the power to bend what we view as limits.

This is not an excuse to continue procrastinating and assume it will all just “work out”. Stewarding your time to bring God glory means taking time away from binging your favorite show or reading another book first to invest that time with the Lord, not to schlep off the responsibilities He has called you to.

But this is a reminder that honoring the Lord with our lives is what we are called to above all else.

Set aside the time. Spend it with God. At the end of our lives, what will we really reflect on and regret?