Check in

When is the last time you checked in on your friends?

I don’t just mean texting to talk about life, but specifically, intentionally invited the vulnerable conversations about how they are doing mentally?

Those messages and conversations can have more of an impact than you know.

There have been times in my life where the pain I was experiencing was so great I didn’t want to be alive anymore. It is only by the mercy and compassion of God that I am, and I recognize that. None of my friends had any idea just how bad it had gotten until I told them. There are friends who to this day I’m not sure realize just how close it was to me not being here anymore.

This isn’t to have a little pity party or to say woe is me, but I think this is important as a warning. Your friends may not be as okay as they seem.

It’s great to try to learn warning signs to look for, but I think the best thing you can do is to actually ask. Inviting those conversations is one of the best things you can do to love others.

No, not everyone is walking around hiding being suicidal, but just because they aren’t at that point of desperation doesn’t mean they aren’t still in pain.

I strongly believe that healing not only can, but can only be found in relationship with God. But I also think human relationships have the opportunity to be pictures of that.

Whenever I hear of someone who is no longer here because of suicide my heart just shatters knowing how much pain they must have been in. I think it is one of the most devastating things. It is heartbreaking to see the loved ones left behind who didn’t know and who will always carry that loss with them. This is my little reminder to actually go text your people. It’s better to just make sure they’re okay.


Sunday Scaries


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