The Art of Seeing Others
Foundational to loving others is the ability to truly know them. Essential to knowing others, is seeing them.
Intimacy is not accidental. If you want to know someone’s heart, it requires time and attention. You don’t end up accidentally loving someone.
When I think back on the times I have felt most loved, the experiences range greatly from “major” things to little snippets of daily life, but they all share the foundation of ways I felt seen and known.
To be remembered screams “I love you”.
To be considered screams “I love you”.
To be pursued screams “I love you”.
Sometimes that looks like bold gestures - elaborately planned birthday celebrations or dates.
Sometimes that looks like simple things - a surprise treat or a little text.
As passionate as I am that love requires intentional pursuit, it also requires thought. I can’t remember all of my friends love languages, so I’ve taken to writing them down in my notes. I won’t remember birthdays naturally, so I put them on my calendar. I don’t always remember to text back so I try to initiate it at times or even call on my drives.
If you really want to love someone it takes effort. It takes humility. It takes energy.
We know that God is love. God is more intentional than we could ever imagine. There is nothing He does that is not already planned. He fully sees us and fully knows us. When we are striving to live like Him, that should include a desire to love like Him. Human love will never be capable of filling the intrinsic need for love that we have. But love that comes from an overflow of the love of God, offers glimpses to the beauty of heaven.