Your body is not a mistake.
The experience I have had last year healing physically has given me a shifted perspective on the way I view and treat my body. At times I even feel angry at how harsh I was on myself previously.
I would rather celebrate my body for what it has done than shred it for what it looks like.
There is so much more to you than your looks. When we idolize things like size or muscle mass we put the value on the wrong things. How much more exciting is it to be able to say what you did with your body than what number shows when you step on a scale.
When I succeeded at swimming my total of 10 miles last year I was elated. That sense of accomplishment was such a personal high for me. I was and still am so proud of what I was able to do.
I only made that goal because I was dedicated to showing up and doing it. I didn’t let the days where I didn’t want to go stop me. I didn’t let the days where I didn’t want to look at my body in a bathing suit stop me. I made deliberate mental choices that I was not going to let old ruts block me from accomplishing the goal I knew I was capable of making.
You aren’t going to hit your goals if you aren’t willing to be uncomfortable.
Growth is painful.
Growth is awkward.
Growth is worth it.
Your body was created so that you would know God better. I don’t know what that story will look like for you or in your life. You may never love the shape or size of your body. But your life isn’t about your body. Your purpose isn’t to be a certain size or to look a certain way. Your purpose is to glorify God. Use your body, don’t punish it. You were created intentionally. Your body is not a mistake. You are not a mistake.