Comfort Zone

If you feel comfortable in your life what are you actually pursuing?

We live in a culture that chases and idolizes comfort. We think it is a positive thing when we are feeling comfortable in our lives, but we often fail to acknowledge the warning sign that comfort actually should be.

Growth isn’t comfortable.

Comfort should be a sign to change something.

There is a difference between healthy contentment and growth. The ambition to be a better person and to pursue your goals is healthy. Those are things placed in us inherently by Christ. A lack of contentment that is driven by coveting is when we need to repent and reset.

What God has created us to accomplish for His kingdom is not small. The visions and passions He has given us, should cause us to desire more. It is honoring to the Lord when we are discontent with allowing ourselves to stay the same. We are called to fulfill the potential He has created in us.

Some of my best personal suggestions to ask yourself when life is feeling comfortable are the following:

  1. Do you have clear goals in your mind?

  2. What habits would the person you want to be have?

  3. What is one change you can make in your current life that will stretch you?

  4. What things do you dislike about the way you are using your time currently?

  5. Are you surrounding yourself with other people who are pursuing growth or are you surrounding yourself with people who are stagnant?

No, these questions are not an end all be all of growth, but they can be convicting to reflect on. Changes don’t happen if you aren’t willing to put in the work. You won’t accidentally end up as the person you want to be. The first step to starting is to have a goal or a vision, but having one and failing to execute will never produce results. If you want to change you need to be willing to do the difficult things.

You were created for more. Don’t stay in your comfort zone.




don’t stay in it