Recently I have been reflecting: am I stewarding my life well?
I was thinking about the gifts God has given me and considering what things He has called me to do with those gifts. At every stage of life we are entrusted with different things to steward well. Just because your resources might not be financial does not exempt you from being called to steward them well.
The story of the servants and the talents in the Bible does not mess around with what God’s calling for stewardship is. What God entrusts to us He expects us to invest and increase. Each servant received a different amount to begin. The servant who didn’t receive as much was not let off of the hook for what he did with what he was given. Both of the servants who stewarded well were given more.
Sometimes the resource God gives us is financial. Sometimes it is time. Sometimes it is relationships. Sometimes it is careers.
What God gives to us He expects us to treat as sacred.
In this current season of life I feel particularly called to focus on how I steward several specific things.
There are relationships in my life that God has opened doors to some wonderful opportunities for me to speak into their lives to glorify Him.
There are opportunities for me to invest my time in ways that will glorify Him.
There are ways I can invest my physical health to glorify Him.
There are ways I can use my testimony to declare His power and to glorify Him.
These are some of the very real things I feel called to steward well. My desire is to be faithful to God with the things He has given me today.