The lord is Just

The mercy of God is truly an unfathomable gift. I don’t deserve it, and nothing I could do could earn it. Putting my life into perspective of that can help to humble me when I am struggling to find mercy for others.

At the same time, there is a realness to the pain that is caused by injustice. Whether on a large scale or small, the brokenness of sin can leave us shouting “that’s not fair” at the ugliness of its consequences in our lives.

My personality really struggles with things that feel unfair. Might be the enneagram 1 in me, might be the ADHD, but I feel strongly over situations in my personal life as well as completely unconnected to myself. It’s something I’ve had to learn about myself and I now recognize ways I need to be mindful of how I allow that to play out in me.

At the same time, that anger over injustice isn’t always wrong. We praise God so often for his attributes of kindness and compassion and mercy, and forget that His anger also makes Him good. A god who is not angry at the ugliness of sin is not a god worth serving.

There have been people who have caused great hurt and damage in my life. I’m sure the same is true for your life.

Yes, we should want mercy for them.

Yes, we should run to the Lord in prayer for them.

Yes, we should humble our hearts and learn to forgive them.

But it is okay to recognize that those feelings are allowed into the presence of the Lord.

God does not look on the sin that was done to you indifferently.

All over Psalms we hear David lifting his hurts to the Lord. He does not hold back in what he asks of God in response to those who persecute him. David is vivid in what he calls on God to do, and his emotions pour out in his words, yet God does not push David away for those thoughts or feelings. He is not angry at David’s anger. He loves David in those moments just as intimately as He does in the moments where David is dancing before the Lord.

We are broken people living in a broken world. We feel hurt and we cause hurt.

Yes, it is important to turn your heart attitude toward forgiveness, but that can only come through a humble recognition of the character of God and the mercy He has already shown you.

You don’t have to ask God for mercy if you don’t think His justice is real.

If we minimize the power of God then we forget just how much we are given. His mercy is only greater when we consider what His justice truly looks like. God loves His children. He is protective of what is His. The Father who sent His Son to die for you does not turn a blind eye on the pains you are experiencing.

Bring your hurt to His feet. Yell and scream and cry out with every passion and angst your soul feels. He has space for you. He knows your pain. He is a God who felt injustice to a level we cannot imagine and who is fully just. There is always room for you in His arms.


BFTG (best friends through grief)


imago dei