changing seasons
If you had asked me this summer what was going on in my life I wouldn’t have had a real answer for you.
BFTG (best friends through grief)
There is something that I find deeply intimate about friends who walk through grief with you. Grief is a complex emotion and doesn’t happen in any specific timeline. There is such beauty in the assurance that in Heaven God will wipe away every tear, but while we are here there is a reality that grief tends to linger (and sometimes stays for the rest of our lives here).
warfare of busy
You don’t usually consider that spiritual warfare might come in the form of a mouse.
suicide awareness month
There isn’t an easy way to talk about suicide. There are so many things I would want to say to anyone struggling and I don’t know what to say first. This is my heart for anyone who doesn’t want to be here anymore.
my endo story
I’ve had a lot of people ask about my experience with endometriosis. Here’s a summary of my past 9 months.